The owners of this new construction project were interested in a long-term waterproofing solution to protect the concrete on their new high-end apartment complex & parking structure.  The weather conditions in south Florida, particularly with the salt air along the Atlantic Coast are incredibly harsh on exposed concrete structures.  Since the parking structure was engineered to last at least 50 years, they wanted a waterproofing system that would last for decades before needing to be reapplied.


The challenge on this project was to find the optimal solution for long-term waterproofing of a new concrete building, encompassing protection for below-grade walls, concrete planters, and an exposed balcony deck. Typically, competition for such projects involves sheet waterproofing products for below-grade walls and planters, along with trafficable liquid coatings for balconies. Our solution, the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing Agent, proved versatile, providing comprehensive protection for all areas of the structure, including the balcony deck on the 4th floor above the East Entrance. By opting for the spray-applied TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System, the owner achieved several benefits: ensured full waterproofing protection for the concrete structure's lifespan, prevented corrosion of steel reinforcement, maintained construction schedule efficiency, saved costs, and secured a 15-year Labor & Material Warranty from Alchemco. The waterproofing phase of the project proceeded smoothly, with the rapid application contributing to keeping the overall construction pace ahead of schedule.



Over two decades ago, a national owner/developer (Garden Communities) began construction of a large multi-family home project (built in three phases) on the north side of San Diego, CA named Costa Verde Village.   In addition to the multiple story wood-framed buildings, the project included over 300,000 square feet of concrete surface that was used to construct balconies, walkways, and pool & parking decks that would need to be protected.  The challenge was in determining the best way to provide ‘long-term’ protection for this development, while also staying within budget … and helping the project stay on schedule.  


The project's main challenge was effectively waterproofing and protecting the existing balconies suffering from weathering, cracking, and leaks. Traditional competitors like liquid applied polyurethane or silane-based concrete sealers fall short in providing lasting protection, requiring frequent replacement. The specifier and owner opted for the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System, offering decades-long protection through its innovative EMSS technology. With the project completed on schedule, the balconies now benefit from superior waterproofing, safeguarding against deterioration and extending their lifespan significantly.

The main challenge of this project was effectively waterproofing and protecting existing balconies and a pool deck experiencing weathering, cracking, and leaking. Common competitors, such as liquid applied polyurethane or silane-based concrete sealers, failed to provide adequate long-term protection. The specifier and owner chose the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System for its promise of decades-long protection. This system's EMSS technology creates a lasting subsurface waterproofing membrane by reacting with the concrete slab's calcium, aligning perfectly with the project's needs. As a result, the project proceeded smoothly, ensuring the luxury apartment complex now enjoys top-tier waterproofing for years to come, extending the facility's lifespan by preventing deterioration of the steel reinforcement within the concrete slab.

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