Wahoo Water Park


The biggest challenge for this new construction project, was how to effectively waterproof the 200,000 sq. ft. of swimming & floating areas that are a part of this water park … which is located ‘inside’ the City Centre Mall in Bahrain.  

It takes roughly 4.5 million gallons of water to fill the swimming & floating areas of this waterpark, which weighs roughly 18,750 tons.  So, beside all of the engineering design calculations they had to do in order to build this facility, they had to determine how they were going to keep that much water inside the concrete containment … and how to provide effective long-term protection for that concrete.  In addition, they needed to make sure the waterproofing materials would not affect the slipperiness of the concrete surfaces, or cause a toxic reaction in the water the customers would be swimming, floating and splashing around in.


The challenge for designers in this BMW construction project encompassed finding the most efficient waterproofing method for the expansive warehouse and covered parking facilities. Speed of application was crucial to maintain the construction schedule for this large-scale project, while ensuring enduring protection from the elements. Despite considering alternatives from competitors like Pentens and Penetron, the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System was chosen for its long-term effectiveness. Leveraging EMSS subsurface waterproofing technology, the system forms a waterproofing gel within the concrete matrix, ensuring durability over time. Its rapid application speed further facilitated timely project completion, supporting BMW's expansion efforts across multiple regions and generating employment opportunities.


Eco Sanctuary, a sprawling eco-themed township developed by Eco World Development Group Bhd, faced the challenge of waterproofing various components of their new construction phase, Eden by the Parque Residences, over a span of several years. With requirements ranging from roofs and pools to concrete structures and planters, timely application of waterproofing was crucial to maintain the overall construction schedule. While considering options from competitors like Pentens and Penetron, the developer opted for the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System for its ability to provide long-term protection using EMSS subsurface waterproofing technology. This solution not only ensured decades of waterproofing but also allowed for swift application, keeping the project on track for timely completion.


Eco Sanctuary, a sprawling eco-themed township developed by Eco World Development Group Bhd, encompasses duduk, a new brand offering budget-friendly high-rise developments aimed at urban dwellers. Among its offerings are Se.Ruang D’ Eco Sanctuary and Huni D’ Eco Ardence, both comprising 32-story towers housing serviced apartments. The waterproofing application for this phase, spanning over several years, was crucial to protect various components including roofs, pools, concrete parking structures, and bathrooms, ensuring adherence to the construction timeline. Despite considering alternatives from Pentens and Penetron, the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System was selected for its ability to provide long-term protection using EMSS subsurface waterproofing technology, while maintaining a swift application pace to meet project deadlines effectively.

The challenge of waterproofing approximately 43,000 sq. ft. of an outdoor set at the Assembly Studios movie production facility in Georgia included protecting four separate aquatic planter areas surrounding a central pond with multiple fountains. Previous attempts with a urethane coating system failed due to abrasion during pond cleaning, prompting the search for a long-term solution. Competing against urethane-based liquid coatings, the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System was chosen for its environmental friendliness, speedy application, long-term protection, and comprehensive labor and materials warranty, ensuring the project stayed on schedule while providing durable waterproofing within the concrete itself.

The challenge presented was to waterproof the 10,000-psi concrete hull of the newly constructed 'floating dry dock' Peleke Nui using the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System aboard a heavy lift vessel at sea in May 2017. Despite its innovative concrete pontoon hull designed to last 200 years, the vessel experienced water leakage shortly after launch. Marisco Limited, the owner, contracted GL Engineering & Construction Pte Ltd for the construction, seeking a solution to the leakage issue. Alchemco's industry-leading waterproofing technology was chosen as the best solution due to its effectiveness in harsh saltwater environments and long-term durability, avoiding the need for frequent reapplications typical of polyurethane coatings. This choice ensured minimal disruption to the Peleke Nui's operational schedule and provided a lasting solution to protect its concrete hull.


The challenge on this project was to find the optimal solution for long-term waterproofing of a new concrete building, encompassing protection for below-grade walls, concrete planters, and an exposed balcony deck. Typically, competition for such projects involves sheet waterproofing products for below-grade walls and planters, along with trafficable liquid coatings for balconies. Our solution, the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing Agent, proved versatile, providing comprehensive protection for all areas of the structure, including the balcony deck on the 4th floor above the East Entrance. By opting for the spray-applied TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System, the owner achieved several benefits: ensured full waterproofing protection for the concrete structure's lifespan, prevented corrosion of steel reinforcement, maintained construction schedule efficiency, saved costs, and secured a 15-year Labor & Material Warranty from Alchemco. The waterproofing phase of the project proceeded smoothly, with the rapid application contributing to keeping the overall construction pace ahead of schedule.


Alchemco faced the challenge of getting their BridgeDECK waterproofing systems approved for Georgia state DOT's Qualified Products List, necessary for bridge construction and maintenance. Each state's DOT operates independently, requiring convincing evidence of product effectiveness, including lab tests and field evaluations. Alchemco pursued approval by requesting evaluation from the Georgia DOT, leveraging their membership in the AASHTO TSP-2 ITD Task Force. After evaluation, Georgia DOT chose to field test BridgeDECK on a small bridge, which was installed by CW Matthews, highlighting its safety, speed, and ease of application.



The challenge of waterproofing a vast new construction project spanning 72 acres with various structures like a shopping mall, office towers, and hotels over several years posed logistical hurdles. With multiple structures being built concurrently, ensuring timely and effective waterproofing was essential to maintain the construction schedule. Despite competition from other manufacturers, the developer opted for the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System due to its unique EMSS subsurface technology, offering long-term protection and rapid application. This solution not only addressed the diverse waterproofing needs of the project, including bathrooms, pools, and roofs but also facilitated timely completion of the ambitious development.



This new construction project (3 towers) began the third phase of The Sanctuary Development project by the Runnymede Group of Companies.  One of the challenges on this project is the scheduling of the concrete waterproofing applications.  Since the towers have been under construction for years now, and there are many areas to waterproof (rooftops, bathrooms, pools, podium decks, parking structures, etc.) the waterproofing must be applied as each of those areas are constructed – in order to keep the overall project construction schedule on time.  This also requires waterproofing materials that do not take a long time to cure – which could delay the schedule.


In 2017, Colorado State University faced an urgent issue with concrete deterioration in parts of their newly constructed football facility, Canvas Stadium, raising concerns as such structures are typically designed for a lifespan of 50 to 75 years. The challenge was to halt the ongoing decay and prevent future deterioration to safeguard their investment for decades to come. While liquid-applied coating systems were the typical solution, they posed drawbacks such as slow application, high cost, and limited protection duration. Leveraging the success of the gel-forming TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System in resolving leaking issues at the CSU basketball arena, the Facilities Department opted for the same technology to address the football stadium's premature concrete deterioration. The system's long-term protection, one-time application, preservation of concrete appearance and slip resistance, along with its cost-effectiveness, eco-friendliness, and rapid application, made it the ideal choice, offering substantial value to the university.


With the project behind schedule, a swift and efficient waterproofing solution is imperative to expedite construction progress. The waterproofing system must cover all project facets, including pools, roofs, car parks, and bathrooms, among others. Despite considering options from Pentens and Penetron, the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System was chosen for its ability to swiftly form a waterproofing gel within the concrete matrix, providing long-term protection without the need for extensive curing times. Aligned with Eco World's environmental principles, the system's VOC-free and Potable Water certification further solidified its selection as the ideal solution for this ambitious project.


The $77 million mixed-use development project, completed in 2007, faced the challenge of effectively waterproofing the 8-story vertical walls surrounding the central court/pool area. The University sought long-term protection for these exposed concrete surfaces in Pennsylvania's unpredictable weather without altering their appearance. While spray-applied concrete sealers like silane or siloxane were considered, they offered only limited protection and would require frequent reapplications. Other waterproofing options risked changing the concrete's appearance. Ultimately, the decision was made to use the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System. This solution, renowned for its fast application, sub-surface gel forming membrane, cost-effectiveness, and proven performance spanning nearly five decades globally, provided the best value and solution for the project's waterproofing needs while preserving the concrete's aesthetics.


In 2004, the construction of a new terminal building and parking structure at the airport posed the challenge of protecting the concrete from harsh weather conditions, including corrosive snow and ice melt commonly used in the area during winter. While liquid traffic coatings are typically used in such projects, their limited lifespan of 5 to 10 years fell short of the desired durability standards due to issues like blistering and delamination. To address this, the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System was chosen for its long-term protection capabilities, safeguarding the parking structure's top level for decades by preventing water and chemicals from penetrating the concrete and corroding the steel reinforcement rods. Unlike surface coatings, TechCrete 2500 works within the concrete matrix, ensuring sustained structural integrity over time.


The challenge in this case revolved around waterproofing a massive 650,000 square feet mall, requiring robust protection against water ingress over the long term. Despite competition from other manufacturers like Pentens and Penetron, the developer opted for the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System due to its EMSS subsurface technology, ensuring decades-long protection. This solution, with its ability to create a waterproofing gel within the concrete matrix, met the architect's requirements for durable waterproofing. Moreover, the rapid application of TC 2500 helped maintain the construction schedule, ensuring timely completion of the ambitious project.


The challenge at Piedmont Hospital involved protecting two newly constructed parking structures, built in 2000 and 2001, with a waterproofing system capable of providing long-term protection. Competing options such as silane-based concrete sealers or urethane traffic coatings were considered, but these offered only short-term performance and water repellency rather than true waterproofing. Ultimately, the owner selected the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System for its effectiveness. Applied via spray, TechCrete 2500 penetrated below the concrete surface, reacting with Calcium Hydroxide to form a waterproofing gel that prevents liquid ingress and corrosion of steel reinforcement. Notably, this solution is vapor permeable, environmentally friendly, and potable water certified, meeting NSF-61 testing standards.


The challenge in this construction project was to find a concrete waterproofing system capable of offering lasting protection to the rooftops and parking structure without the need for frequent reapplications. Competing options from Pentens and Penetron were considered but ultimately rejected in favor of the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System. This solution, developed by Alchemco, offered the desired features sought by the developer, including its EMSS subsurface waterproofing technology, which forms a waterproofing gel within the concrete matrix for long-term protection. Notably, TechCrete 2500 is environmentally friendly, VOC-free, and potable water certified, while its quick application helped keep the construction schedule on track, ensuring timely project completion.


The waterproofing process for this expansive luxury hotel project, scheduled to open in 2024, spanned several years due to the phased construction of different parts. It was crucial that waterproofing applications for pools, roofs, planters, and bathrooms met tight timeframe windows to maintain the overall construction schedule. Despite competition from manufacturers like Pentens and Penetron, the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System was selected for its EMSS subsurface technology, offering long-term protection by forming a waterproofing gel within the concrete matrix. This solution not only ensured true waterproofing protection but also facilitated rapid application, ensuring timely completion of the ambitious hotel project and providing decades of outstanding waterproofing performance.


The incredible challenge in this case was to completely waterproof three Greek-themed swimming pools (Shotcrete) that were located on the 37th floor, 47th floor, and 57th floor directly over ‘occupied spaces’ (with no double slab to put a membrane in between). 


The challenge in designing the award-winning Sports Hall on the school campus involved constructing a raised multi-sport artificial turf field over a car park area to optimize space. To safeguard the structural concrete of the field from weather damage, the designers sought effective waterproofing solutions. While crystalline-based concrete admixtures from various manufacturers are known for enhancing concrete's waterproof properties during pouring, the designers opted for a product they had successfully used in a similar project on another school campus. This decision was based on positive past experiences, particularly with constructing a post-tensioned concrete slab forming the base for a raised multi-sport field over a car park area.

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