Project Basic Information
Project Name: 555 Washington Avenue – Parking Structure
Location: Miami, FL
Application Date: October 2022
Size: 17,000 sq ft
Products Used: TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System
Applicator: Logica Construction, LLC – Certified Applicator #1046
Specifier: Paramount Engineering
Structure Owner: The Davis Companies
Project Warranty: 20 -Year Material & Labor Warranty
This commercial office building in the heart of South Beach has a multi-level parking structure integrated directly into the building. Due to the close proximity of this building to the Atlantic Ocean, and the effects of continuously being exposed to salt air (and hurricanes), the parking structure was in need of repairs & waterproofing protection. The owner was interested in repairing and waterproofing the top level of this integral parking garage, while getting the best value for his money.
Paramount Engineering had used the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System on a number of their projects in the Miami metro area and was convinced that the long-term protection provided by the subsurface membrane gel that’s created once the waterproofing liquid has penetrated the concrete surface was the best solution. In order to qualify for Alchemco’s 20-year Labor & Material Warranty, the owner was required to use an Alchemco Certified Applicator to apply the waterproofing system. Since that is what the owner wanted, they specified it as the product of choice for this project, and it was the system the contractors bid on. In this case, Logica Construction was the successful bidder, and completed the project.
Paramount Engineering had used the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System on a number of their projects in the Miami metro area and was convinced that the long-term protection provided by the subsurface membrane gel that’s created once the waterproofing liquid has penetrated the concrete surface was the best solution. In order to qualify for Alchemco’s 20-year Labor & Material Warranty, the owner was required to use an Alchemco Certified Applicator to apply the waterproofing system. Since that is what the owner wanted, they specified it as the product of choice for this project, and it was the system the contractors bid on. In this case, Logica Construction was the successful bidder, and completed the project.