Clarksville, TN

 Montgomery County Jail

Project Basic Information

Project Name:  Montgomery County Jail

Location:  Clarksville, TN  

Application Date:  Spring 2022

Size:  57,000 sq. ft.

Products Used: TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing Agent

Applicator: Southern Wall Systems


Structure Owner: Montgomery County Jail

Project Warranty:  10-Year Labor & Material


The challenges for this project included having to work on a high security building (accompanied by guards), with certain areas where special precautions had to be taken for security reasons.  Aside from some caulk joints and mortar joints that had to be repaired, the biggest challenge was accessing the sides of 80’ foot high buildings. Using a manlift and scaffolding limited the number of people that could do the application, which slowed the application down a little more than it would normally take.


The TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System was chosen for application on this project primarily because it is designed to provide protection for a full decade, before the need for re-application arises.  This is a true waterproofing system, whose gel-forming barrier works inside the mortar joints to provide long-term protection.


The application went very smoothly, considering the restrictions that the applicators were working under.  These included limited access to portions of the building for security reasons, combined with working at times 80’ above the ground.