Certified working spraying TechCrete System on wall.

East Point, GA


Certified working spraying TechCrete System on underground water tank.

Project Basic Information

Project Name: Ethos Classical Charter School – South Wall Waterproofing

Location: East Point, GA

Application Date:  November 2023

Size: 3,500 sq. ft.

Products Used: TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System

Applicator: SYS Sdn Bhd  

Specifier:  TCM Waterproofing – Certified Applicator #1049

Structure Owner:

Project Warranty: 20-Year Labor & Material

Photo of construction site set up and before photo.


This building’s south wall was built with defective below-grade waterproofing on its outside face – and then backfilled.  Once the wall started leaking, the challenge was to determine how to effectively stop water from entering the building, without having to remove all of the landscaping & backfill against that wall in order to re-waterproof it.

Certified working spraying TechCrete System on wall.


In this case, the decision was made by the specifier to spray-apply the TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System.  After penetrating the surface of the concrete wall, TC 2500 interacted with the calcium hydroxide & water that was already in the concrete, to form a subsurface waterproofing gel that effectively stops water from migrating into the building.  One of the advantages of this system is that it provides decades of waterproofing protection but does not change the appearance of the concrete surface.

Photo of results from Duratite MLastic coating.


The TechCrete 2500 Waterproofing System quickly and successfully stopped the water migration into the building in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner.  This allowed the project to be completed on schedule.